The End of a Decade

Here we are, coming to the end of 2019.  Man, 2020 seems weird.  I recall as a child I would think about the future and how far away 2020 (The Space Odyssey) was and how old I would be.  Where did that time go?  In retrospect, it seems like it was a blink of an eye.

I also think back to standing on the roof at Nucleus on New Year’s eve 2000.  It has been 20 years since that crazy night when everyone was on edge over the tech apocalypse that never happened.  We stood up there and watched the fireworks and drank champagne.  I refer to that night as my ‘Scarface’ moment.  In Scarface, mid way through the movie he is on top of the world and that is how I felt.  If you seen the movie things kind of go down hill from there.  I haven’t been in any gun fights but let’s just say that was definitely my high point.

I find the hardest thing about getting older is losing the dreams.  Maybe one day I will do this or that.  I now know I have done what I am going to do for the most part… not much is going to change from here on in.  Some days that is a harder pill to swallow than others. There is no such thing as the ‘Golden Years’. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Live for today, chase your dreams.  Before you know it, it will be too late.