Links mail Tm`s and Hm`s Hints

If you like pokemon and are stuck in a dungeon or island I have a map section and there is also My Favorite links.If you want to know what level a pokemon evolves at or how they evolve or also what type they are visit my pokedex.If you like what you see or you want to give me suggestions on how to improve my page please mail me.
Dragonite imagemap Blastoise
                                                                   I can tell you
helpful hints in pokemon so you can beat the game I will try to update this site every week if possible. So i can help you on pokemon game so you can get some info on the game. I hope you can get the info that you need on my site .Also check out my favorite links and mail meIn the mail me section i can answer any question about gold, silver, Red, and blue any question i almost know it all come check out the Pokedex. Come see my new episodes section

My New Drawings Section

The Hall Of Fame
My opinon page on pokemon games
Pokemon trivia
TM`s and HM`S


Mt.Moon Maps
rock tunnel maps
seaform island maps
Unknown dungeon maps

New Pokemon MOVIE!!!!